Your Future Vision - David Schmeikal

In 2017 a Vision was Born

July 21, 20211 min read

The future. We all have one.

The big difference lives between those who spend the time to create one to work towards instead of being at the effect of other people's ideas of how the future should go.

A vision gives us passion, drive and direction.

Living in anticipation of a compelling future is a life worth living, as everything we do supports us in moving forward.

They inform our priorities, they expand our horizons and harness our strengths.

In 2017 a motley crew came together with a notion to bring more intentional effort to the creative process of creating a possible vision for the future.

I've worked as an entrepreneur and creative professional alongside my wife Maya Corona for 15 years. During that journey I've come to accept that the traditional paradigm of business is just not setup to support the creative potential of human beings. The process lacks the special care and attention to make sure we don't kill off creativity.

David Schmeikal

I've worked as an entrepreneur and creative professional alongside my wife Maya Corona for 15 years. During that journey I've come to accept that the traditional paradigm of business is just not setup to support the creative potential of human beings. The process lacks the special care and attention to make sure we don't kill off creativity.

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